Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fietsen en Winkelen

I had a great weekend because I was able to do two long-awaited things: I finally rode a bike and I was able to get some serious shopping in. I knew a bike ride was long overdue, and I couldn't use Ronan as an excuse because in true Amsterdam style, I should have just rode a bike with him strapped onto me in a baby carrier. Also, because I'm pretty confident that babies here learn to ride bikes before they take their first steps, I should probably have been teaching him how to ride a bike himself by now. Anyway, Francisco kindly lent me his bike, "Amy" (Her full name is "Amy from Amsterdam") and I was off. I have to say this: I don't recommend it. 

Once you ride a bike in Amsterdam, there's just no turning back. Aside from feeling the wind in your hair and the sun on your face, you also feel your front tire on the smooth, paved, flat, coloured bike lanes. There are no pot holes, no pedestrians, and no cars up in your grill. There are traffic signals specifically for bikers and your fellow cyclists use clear, direct hand signals before making a turn. You can lock your bike up to anything; there are poles and bike racks just begging to be used throughout the city. Now that I've experienced such perfection, I just don't think biking will ever be the same.

As for the shopping, I got Ronan a bow tie (Pictured below) and low rise boots, a jean vest, a jacket and slub trousers for myself. I liked the trousers because they reminded me of a milder version of “Justin Bieber” pants. Do they look good on me? Absolutely not. But, they sure are comfortable and also get me singing, “If I was Your Boyfriend” while dancing around like Justin...Ronan enjoys this; Francisco, not so much. 

My extra deep love for shopping in Europe comes from a trip I took to Ireland in 2000. I bought a pair of shoes that, at the time, looked like slippers you would wear outdoors. I brought them back to Canada and they were in major style for the next 4 years. Talk about a good bang for my buck.... Actually, I guess I should say, "A good found for my pound". My excitement over the weekend prompted me to begin a new segment on my blog where I will make note of any fashions or trends I notice here. The segment will be titled, Amster “Dam” Good Style (Sorry, I’ve been watching way too much Ellen):

Sweaters: Loose knit sweaters, patterned sweaters.
Vests: leather vests, suede vests, fur vests, corduroy vests, knit vests, jean vests, cotton vests, velvet vests, lace vests, sequin vests, long vests, short vests...and in the words of Forrest Gump's Bubba, "That’s about it."  

Jeans: Patterned jeans, bright jeans, skinny jeans and boyfriend jeans

RAAK Amsterdam
Jackets: blazers, short jackets, bomber jackets and canvas jackets
Shoes: high tops and low rise boots
Some of my Favourites: Boyfriend shorts (Often worn with tights and low rise boots), skirts, belts, scarves, prints, and jumpsuits. 

Francisco’s Favourite (and also unisex): “Double D,” which is a term he coined and it stands for “Double Denim” or “Denim on Denim.”

...Also for the gents: Canvas jackets, vests, and rolled up jeans with boots....and mopeds.
Red Wing Shoe Store Amsterdam
Definitely some great style happening over here and, luckily for us in Canada, Soop Soop is all over it.

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