Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day!

Aside from almost being charged 400 euros for our overweight baggage, our flight home with KLM was quite nice. Somehow, Francisco was also able to score Ronan his very own seat!

When we got home, we barely put our bags down and headed over to our favourite sushi restaurant, Sushi Garden for dinner....or was it lunch? We were so disoriented with jet leg, all we knew was that it was a long 3 months without sushi. As we took our seats, the staff asked us about our trip and we learned that the couple sitting beside us was headed to Amsterdam on vacation in the near future. We spent the lunch talking about Amsterdam and some of our favourite things to do there. As we were leaving and went to pay our bill, we learned that the couple had paid for our lunch! What an amazing "Canadian" welcome. If you're reading this, thank you so much!

The next morning, the 3 of us were wide awake at 6AM. We had no idea what people did at this ungodly hour so, as always when in doubt, we made our way to Tim Hortons.

I guess we did the right thing because it was as if they were expecting us...

While it is sad to leave Amsterdam, it has been so nice to come home to family and friends (And on Canada's birthday weekend!) I was happy I made it back in time to make my cousin Erin's bachelorette party and am looking forward to my favourite "Canadian summer things to do" (Sit around campfires, eat ketchup chips, go to Blue Jays games and join my Danny Glover comrades in our baseball season). I was also happy to get back to being able to read a menu, bacon, coloured money and ketchup.

Happy Canada Day!

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