Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Koninginnedag (Queen's Day)

I’ve been impressed by so many things in this city, that I thought I’d better write some of them down. I’ve created a list of my favourite things about Amsterdam and, once it is complete, I will devise a transition plan to get these things happening on a more regular basis in Canada. Here is my working list so far (In no particular order):

1. Stroopwaffles: These should always be served with our coffees and teas.
#7: More Flowers
2. Mint Tea: This tea should be regularly served and promoted at every cafe, Tim Hortons and Starbucks.
3. Minimal Makeup: This sure makes getting ready in the morning much easier.
4. Bike Hair: Forget blow dryers and straighteners, just ride your bike!
5. Dutch Strength: It is not uncommon to see someone change a bike tire and then ride that semi-broken bike home with a kid, 5 bags of groceries, the old bike tire and a friend on it. Inspirational.
6. Charcuterie Boards: Meat and cheese for dinner= amazing!
7. More flowers: They are so pretty, let's plant more of them.
8. Bike Lanes: Don't think an explanation is needed here.
9. Jumping castles for the public on random street corners: Now, this may have just been for Queen’s Day, but it made me think, why not everyday?
10. Queen's Day: Let's celebrate Dutch Royalty once a year and take the day off of work to do so.

Yesterday was Queen’s Day and to describe it, I'll say that it just looked like the best day of absolutely everyone’s life. We got Ronan dressed in orange and he was ready to celebrate.We walked through Vondelpark where kids had set up markets all over the place. They were selling things like their parent’s furniture, clothes, toys, coffee, lemonade or cake. I particularly enjoyed the kids who got creative. Some performed plays, made up their own games, sang a song or played their guitar. My favourite were two brothers who spent the entire day dancing to Michael Jackson for donations (Below right).  

There was so much to see, do and buy; there were lots of people to talk to and lots of bikes in need of saving. Francisco basically became a local hero on this distinguished day: After someone got in their boat and accidentally tipped their unlocked bike over into a canal, Francisco raced over and pulled the bike out of the canal. To the bike's owner, it was a Queen's Day miracle! To top the day off with some more good news, I was also thrilled to swindle a local into selling me a brand new car seat for 5 Euros (I will conduct a safety test before its use). If all goes well, South Holland Road Trip, here we come! To celebrate my good deal, a salute to King Willem for this glorious day was obviously in order (Above right).
Local Hero Saves Bike

1 comment:

  1. Orange you glad you were in Amsterdam for this momentous occassion? And, I have to say the little handsome man's outfit was perfect. ;)
